Recipe Serializers

The recipe serializer is the most complex of the serializers, which isn’t saying a lot, as it’s not really that complex. The recipe serializer is based on the Recipe model, so most operations flow easily without additional code, but there are a few additions:

  • The serializer has an explicit recipe_type field which is used to get the formatted representation of the recipe_type
  • There are serializer method fields for getting read-only versions of the creator and absolute_url
  • There is an ingredients StringRelatedField, which is a read-only field used to show the ingredients connected with this recipe. This works easily because the related_name on the ForeignKey defined on the Ingredient model is “ingredients”.
class recipes.serializers.recipe.RecipeSerializer(instance=None, data=<class rest_framework.fields.empty>, **kwargs)

Bases: recipes.serializers.base.CreatorBaseSerializer

This serializer allows direct serialization for recipe objects, with additional keys as needed

class Meta
fields = ('id', 'title', 'recipe_type', 'creator', 'absolute_url', 'ingredients', 'directions', 'image')

alias of recipes.models.recipe.Recipe


This worker function enables us to append the absolute_url field to requests for Recipe model objects :param recipe_instance: A full recipe instance, we really just need the ID :return: The fully formed URL for this recipe instance